True Fit Thrifts:

Business Proposal & Launch


True Fit Thrifts was created to sell second-hand, plus-sized clothing directly to those looking for it. What started as my senior thesis project quickly became a passion pursuit to share high-quality clothing for the plus-sized community at an affordable price through marketing on social media.


I have always loved fashion. From the time I was a child, I’ve used clothes as a way to express myself. But as I got older and my body began to change, finding things that made me feel confident became more difficult.

Becoming plus-sized made me increasingly frustrated with trying to find clothes, and I grew to hate going shopping with my mom and friends, which used to be something I loved. It wasn't until college that I started to find my style in my size, but finding those pieces wasn’t easy, especially while trying to shop ethically.

Eventually, my love for clothes reached the point of needing to purge my closet. While trying on everything I own, I realized that my giveaway collection was all in good condition but just served its purpose in my closet. But that doesn’t mean those pieces don’t have a place in someone else’s closet.

With the growing popularity of thrifted and upcycled clothing, selling pieces through apps like Depop has become a space to buy second-hand clothing directly from the original owner and find unique details. In my experience using reselling sites, there was a massive lack of plus-sized clothing, which gave me an idea.

Goal: The goal of True Fit Thrifts is to sell high-quality second-hand clothing directly to the consumer by marketing on social media and selling through a third-party app. By connecting with the audience, True Fit also hopes to become a safe space for plus-sized women to feel comfortable shopping and have the confidence to share their stories with their peers.

Purpose: True Fit Thrifts aims to give plus-sized women another option in second-hand shopping. True Fit hopes to help women find clothes that work for them for all occasions.

Mission Statement: I aim to provide good quality plus-sized clothes at reasonable prices while still shopping ethically. I want all women, no matter their size, to feel comfortable and confident in their skin and be able to express that in their clothing.



Through research, I found the primary, secondary, and tertiary audiences for True Fit Thrifts and where they would best be reached. From the information gathered, three profiles were formed to use as a reference for future content and brand design.

The pricing, social platforms, and launch campaign plan were created from the three personas to ensure everything True Fit does is geared toward them. By making these decisions around who the client is, True Fit Thrifts is set up for success to have the most engagement possible throughout the week.




Timber Cannabis Co. x Hybrid Campaign